मानने की परिभाषा | मानने का अर्थ
Definition of Accept | Meaning of Accept | Manne Ki Paribhasha
"" मानना ""
Principles of Personal Performance
Fifth Step ""...
समझने की परिभाषा | समझने का अर्थ
Definition of Understand | Samjhane Ki Paribhasha | Meaning of Understand
"" समझना ""
Principles of Personal Performance
Third Step ""...
सोचने की परिभाषा | सोचने का अर्थ
Definition of Think | Meaning of Think | Sochne Ki Paribhasha
"" सोचना ""
Principles of Personal Performance
Second Step ""...
लिखने की परिभाषा | लिखने का अर्थ
Definition of Write | Likhane Ki Paribhasha | Meaning of Write
"" लिखना ""
Principles of Personal Performance
Fourth Step ""...
पढ़ने की परिभाषा | पढ़ने का अर्थ
Definition of Read | Padhne Ki Paribhasha | Meaning of Read
"" पढ़ना ""
Principles of Personal Performance
First Step ""...