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Definition of Draft | Meaning of Design | Prarup Ki Paribhasha
“” Draft “”
“” The written process by which the work can be made smooth and coherent, then it is called Draft. “”
“” That methodical process which sets the work outline or work, then it is called draft. “”
Manas views on –
“” D “” Decision
The decision makes your strategy ready.
“” R “” Resolution
An offer reflects your style of work.
“”A “” Achievable
Receivable reflects its quality and importance.
“” F “” Factual
Being real is like being close to the truth.
“” T “” Technical Ground
When the technical base is on the ground, it proves to be scientific.
“” Such a decision is a resolution where the achievable provides a factual technical basis, then it is called a draft.””
These valuable are views on Definition of Draft | Meaning of Design | Prarup Ki Paribhasha
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Manas Jilay Singh 【 Realistic Thinker 】
Follower – Manas Panth
Purpose – To discharge its role in the promotion of education, equality and self-reliance in social.
so nice and realistic